Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Flamme and Co

Hace un par de semanas mi hermano y Elena nos visitaron en Estrasburgo. Despues de las tipicas visitas turisticas obligadas, decidimos ir a comer "tart flambee o flammekuche" a Flamme & Co, podeis recordar este tipico plato alsaciano pinchando aqui
Nos habian contado que el restaurante combinaba tradicion y modernidad, preparando las tipicas tart flambee mezclando distintos elemenos y sabores. Tambien nos habian hablado de los servicios del restaurante, una de sus grandes atracciones :) y que creo os va a sorprender.
Desde fuera, parece un sitio normal, dentro es moderno, la carta tiene de todo, desde la tipica tart flambee con cebolla, panceta y queso gratinado, a tart flambee mejicanas, italianas, vegetarianas o con pato.
A continuacion, os muestro las fotos de nuestra comida y despues, la parte mas divertida con video incluido :) 

A couple of weeks ago  my brother and Elena visited us in Strasbourg. After the typical touristic visits we decided to get "tart flambee or flammekuche" at "Flamme & Co". You can remember this traditional Alsatian dish clicking here.
We had been told that the restaurant combined tradition and modernity, preparing the typical tart flambee mixing different elements and flavors.
We had also heard about how original their restrooms were :) I think you are going to be surprised.
It looks just like a normal place from the outside, it is pretty modern in the inside, the menu cart has many exotic choices going from the normal tart flambee gratinee to Mexican ones, Italians, vegetarians or with duck.
I show you below the pics of our meals and after that, the funny part, the rest rooms!! Movie included :)

Este es el exterior del restaurante, parece un sitio urbano y moderno en pleno centro :)
This is the outside of the restaurant. It seems to be a modern and urban place in the city center :)

Thomas y Elena pidieron "Tart flambee gratine", la modalidad mas tradicional, con crema, panceta, cebolla y queso Munster gratinado.
Thomas and Elena ordered "Tarte flambee gratinee", the most triditional one made with cream, bacon, onion and gratined Munster cheese.

Mi hermano se pidio una muy francesa con magret de canard :)
My brother ordered a very French one with magret de canard :)

Yo que me tiro a lo mas "sano", me pedi una tart flambee con ensalada, tomates secos y parmesano.
I tried to do a "healthy" choice and I got a tart flambee with salad, sun dried tomatoes and parmigiano.

Hasta aqui la comida, pero quiero que presteis atencion a los manteles :) todos eran igual de sugerentes y nos ibamos aproximando a lo que nos podiamos encontrar en los servicios, jeje!

Next, I'd like you to pay attention to the table cloths :) there were different models, all of them suggesting the same thing actually, hehe! Of course, we could already have an idea about the restrooms, hehe!

Detalle del mantel. Table "cloth" detail.

Este cuadro es lo primero que uno se encuentra cuando entra al servicio, empieza bien la cosa, no?
This picture is the first thing one faces when entering the restrooms. It looks like a good start, right?

Foto de los servicios. Picture in the restrooms.

Por supuesto, no podia irme sin echarme una autofoto dentro del servicio, jeje! Tenian musica de Madonna a todo trapo!! Todo estaba plagado de espejos, arriba, abajo, izquierda y dercha :) y como no, luces rojas. Que locura!! Si quereis mas detalles, por favor, ved el video :) Espero que os haya gustado!!
Finally, I took a picture of my self inside the restroom. They were playing Madonna as if the world would finish the next day, hehe! All full of mirrors, left, right, up and down :) and red lights. Exciting, right?? To have a better idea, please watch the movie. Hope you like it!!

Autofoto en el servicio "barrio rojo"
Selfie pic in the restroom, pure "red light district" style