Aventuras y anécdotas fuera de casa

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Visitando Palma de Mallorca. Visiting Palma de Mallorca

Durante nuestra estancia en la isla tambien visitamos la capital, Palma de Mallorca. Era la tercera vez que iba alli, pero las dos veces anteriores fue en viaje de estudios y no disfrute del turismo en la misma medida que esta ultima vez :)
Solo ibamos a estar alli una mañana, asi que solo visitamos la catedral en profundidad, el centro de la ciudad y poco mas. En otras ocasiones ya habia visitado el castillo de Bellver y otros puntos interesantes.
During our week on the island we also visited the capital, Palma de Mallorca. It was the third time I was on the islad, but the previous times I was on a trip celebrating the end of my studies and I didn't enjoy tourism so much :)
We stayed there for only half a day so we visited the cathedral, the center and some other nice streets. I had already gone to the Bellver castle and other interesting places previously.

Thomas, su padre y yo llegando a la catedral. Thomas, his dad and I arriving at the cathedral.

En la entrada principal. At the front door.

Interior de la catedral, con una pequeña contribucion de Gaudi sobre el altar. Cathedral's interior with a small Gaudi contribution over the altar. 

Detalle de Gaudi. Gaudi's detail.

En el año 2001, el artista Miquel Barcelo pudo realizar una de sus obras en una parte de la catedral. El tema esta dedicado al mar, hecho en escayola. Las figuras marinas se hicieron desde la parte de fuera de las paredes, haciendo las formas hacia el interior de la catedral. Es una obra polemica, puesto que no encaja con el estilo gotico y romano de la catedral, pero hay opiniones para todos los gustos. La mia es que la obra tiene su encanto, pero no en la catedral, no tiene ninguna conexion segun mi parecer.
In 2001 the artist Miquel Barcelo built one of his pieces in a part of the cathedral. It is dedicated to the sea and it is made in a kind of plaster material. The figures were made from the outside of the walls, creating the desired shapes to the inside. This piece of art is pretty controversial since it doesn't really match with the Gothic style of the cathedral. There are many opinions about it but I personally find the construction very interesting, but not for the cathedral. I don't find the connection between this part and the rest of the cathedral. 

Barcelo's part. Parte de Barcelo.

Labores de restauracion. Restoration work.

Despues de visitar la navel principal de la catedral, las capillas y el museo, pasamos al claustro. Son mi parte favorita de las iglesias, me encantan!
After visiting the main part of the cathedral, the chapels and the museum we went to the court yard. This is my favorite part of the churches in general, I love them!

Despues de la catedral nos fuimos dando un paseo hasta la Plaza Mayor, tiene mucho encanto, no es una  plaza enorme ni señorial, pero tiene ese toque mediterraneo de color y vida que tanto me gusta. Ademas, habia estatuas humanas muy chulas.

After visiting the cathedral we went walking to the Plaza Mayor. It is very special, it is not a big or rich main square, but it has a Mediterranean touch of color and life, I really like that. There were also pretty amazing human statues.

Desde aqui buscamos un sitio tipico mallorquin para degustar comida tradicional y no turistica (y/o alemana...). Nos tomamos unas buenas raciones de todo lo mas tipico en una tasca muy taurina (soy anti taurina, pero el sitio era asi...).
From here we looked for a typical Mallorcan place to enjoy traditional Spanish food, not too touristic (and/or German...). We had "raciones" of the most typical food in a bar decorated in the classical bull-fighting style (I hate bull-fighting, but the place was like that...).

Terminamos el dia comprando una rica ensaimada casera, que rica!! Un dia muy humedo y caluroso, pero yo lo disfrute mucho, me encanta visitar sitios interesantes, culturizarme y conocer la gastronomia. Pasamos un buen dia!
We finished the day buying an ensaimada, a typical Mallorcan sweet. It is delicious. 
The day was too hot and humid, but I don't care about that :) I love visiting places, knowing the culture and the gastronomy. We had a very nice day!

Visitando Artá. Visiting Artá

Uno de los pueblecitos mas cercanos a la nuestra casa de vacaciones es Artá ( Odio no poder poner tildes con el teclado americano, asi que esta a con tilde, la copio). Asi que en plan turista nos fuimos a visitar este bello pueblo, con sus calles empinadas, estrechas, con la calzada de piedra, miradores y ermitas. Muy bonito :)
One of the closer villages to our holiday house is Artá (it has an accent on the a and for a Spanish person who knows how to write it is very important to type the accents, I can't with my keyboard, arggg). We decided to visit some of the touristic places of the village. It is a charming place, small, with narrow streets going up and down hill, the road had stones like the old Roman roads, the view was beautiful from some of the highest points of the place and there were also tiny nice churches.

Vistas desde uno de los miradores.
View from one of the highest points.

Un poco de ejercicio para subir a la ermita :)
A little bit of exercise to go up to the church :)

Vista desde la ermita. Se ve el resto del pueblo y la iglesia principal.
View from the highest church. The rest of the county can be seen from there and also the main church.

Con Florian otra vez. Solo quiere andar :)
Again with Florian, he only wants to walk :)

Ayuntamiento. Esta foto es especial para mi padre.
The Town Hall. Especially for my dad.

Aunque hizo mucho calor para andar por ahi subiendo y bajando por el pueblo, vimos cosas interesantes, comimos rica comida española y en general, pasamos un buen dia :)
Even though it was too warm to go up and down around the village, we saw many interesting things and ate nice Spanish food. A nice day was had by all :)